Ongoing Opportunities:
House of Hope Freezer Meal Team - Meeting twice a month
Register here if you’d like to be involved!
Church in Motion van - more details to come!
Partnership with Johnston County DSS and children in Foster Care
Prom Dress Giveaway
Easter Basket delivery
Regular assistance with the Adolescent Parenting Program
Support for the LINKS Program, serving young adults in foster care
Angel Tree drive for Christmas
Sign up to serve on our Motion Van!
Quest has a ministry partnership with Food for The Hungry (FH) in the Mentawai Islands of Indonesia. Our church family sponsors children in the villages of Mentawai allowing FH to fund full-time staff who minister in those communities on a daily basis. The presence of FH in the villages establishes a base of support for community development and gospel interaction. We supplement FH’s ongoing work through mission trips where we train community leaders, improve animal husbandry practices, educate local nurses and care givers, and train local pastors and church members.